Embarrassment of riches August roundup:


First, I know this is late. But on the other hand, Pooks haven’t put up the linky yet.The point of this challenge is to read 50 books fthat have lingered in the TBR pile, and I am slowly working toward that goal. What the three first one have in common is that they were free or cost 0.99.


Beyond the Night by Joss Ware:

I liked it. It was an post-apocalyptic romance set in an  intresting world,  with some parts that felt a bit too far fetched.


Blood of the Witches:

It was good, but I lost intrested 2/3s through. Not sure why, I think I just got tired of the heroine hiding that she was a witch.


Sealed forever by Mary Margaret Daughtridge:

I had forgotten how much I liked this series, it is sweet and charming. But the first book is the best one.


Christina och Carl Piper by Svante Norrhem:

And now for something different. This is a biography I bought on sale a couple of years ago, and it is very interesting to see how life was for a couple during the reign of Karl XII. With war and what nots.