Experimenting with promotion

I read a bloAdgpost by Carrie Ryan about what she had done to promote her new MG ( which sounds really interesting!). One of the things was create an ad.  Which made me go ” Huh.”  Yesterday I decided to create my own ad. I am quite happy with it the result.  There might be some tweaks in the future, but overall it works.

Today I decided to tweet direct links to Kobo and Ibooks, w the ad attatched. And then I pinned the tweet, so that everyone that visit my profile sees it.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

Oh, and Exile is still climbing on Kobo. I expected Exile to drop in rankings after the free editions were removed.  So I am overjoyed that hasn’t happened.  The sales on Ibook are much lower than on Kobo which is a bit frustrating.   As a result, I am thinking of making it free on Ibooks over the holidays to see if that helps gain some momentum.

Maybe I should create a facebook page, too.