Giveaway+Excerpt: Pooka in my pantry by R.L Naquin

  Thanks to the lovely R.L. Naquin, I have an excerpt, and a giveaway for you today.  As a part of the blog tour,  she is giving away
one set of Monster Haven ebooks, both Monster in My Closet and Pooka in My Pantry.

And five ebook copies, winner’s choice of Monster in My Closet or Pooka in My Pantry.  
( This is for all the participating blogs)


Chapter 1

You help one monster in need, and everybody hears about it.

The recent appearance of various monsters and mythical creatures in my life took some adjustment. But no amount of flexibility prepared me to assist in the live birth of a sea serpent in my own backyard. That’s a lot to ask of anybody.
My swimming pool looked like a major crime scene, and I was pretty sure bits of mucus mixed with dried blood flecked my hair. I’d probably have to take out a personal loan to cover the water bill once I took a three-hour shower, then drained and refilled the pool.
When the sea serpent appeared in my pool a month before, I had no clue what to do about it. Fortunately, Maurice, my resident closet monster, was quick on his feet. While I stood slack-jawed at the kitchen window, he ran to get Molly to be our translator. Fluent in all sorts of crazy creature languages ranging from house pets to gargoyles, Molly, the brownie, lived in a mushroom house in my backyard with her kids.
As it happened, she was unable to decipher a word of sea-serpentese.
Fortunately, a pygmy dragon with a nasty cold had recently spent his convalescence in my garage. Molly spoke dragonish, and Bruce, the dragon, spoke serpentese. Problem solved.
Except it took over three weeks to find Bruce, leaving us with no idea why a listless, snorting sea serpent had moved into my swimming pool. Communicating in pantomime with a creature that had no hands was futile, absurd and probably hilarious to watch.
When Bruce (via Molly) explained the situation, I did my best not to panic. The sea serpent was pregnant, but she could tell something was wrong. Naturally, she came ashore to my house for help, since everyone in the supernatural community seemed to think I had the answer to every problem.
I had no experience delivering healthy babies of any species. All I had to go on were basic anatomy and zoology classes in college, and a wealth of medical procedural shows on television. And yet, something inside me clicked when Frannie went into labor and the baby stopped moving. I jumped into the water without a thought for my spangled, dry-clean-only shirt, or for the discomfort of wet jeans and high tops. In hindsight, I should’ve at least kicked off my shoes.
I’m not sure how to describe the supreme ick factor of having both arms shoved up to the elbow inside a sea serpent’s body. The baby was turned wrong, kind of folded in half and pointed to emerge center-first, rather than in a straight line with its head or tail facing the exit.
“Don’t push, Frannie,” I said. “I have to unfold the baby or it’ll stay stuck.”
Molly made a series of grunting snorts, which Bruce translated into a series of clicks and yowls. I felt the serpent relax around my squashed arms and wrestled the slippery baby into a better position. Another contraction hit and I stopped, waiting until I had more room to work.
The mournful cry from Frannie needed no translation.
When the contraction was over, I made another grab with one hand to hold the baby steady and pulled the head with the other. I’m not a dainty woman, but I’m not big enough to palm a basketball, either. That’s what it felt like I was trying to do in there, only the basketball in question had eyes I needed to avoid poking, and it was covered in what felt like tapioca pudding.
I got a good grip on a dorsal fin at what I hoped was the back of its neck as the next contraction hit.
Clacks and snarls followed down the translation line, and Frannie pushed while I pulled. My other hand shoved, guiding the rest of the baby straight. Once the head slipped into place, nature took over, and out everything slid. Right into my pool and all over me.
As an empath, I try never to leave the house without my protective walls up. The emotions of other people tend to overwhelm and drain me. But I was at home, and I was exhausted. I’d been so focused on the birth that I hadn’t built any barriers, so there was nothing between me and the small group around me to barricade my psyche against what wasn’t mine. I stood in the frigid water, unconcerned by my shaking body or the gore that covered me.
The emotional inrush saturated me in love and happiness.
Frannie nuzzled her new offspring, and a quiet joy settled over me, warming my freezing flesh. From Molly’s direction, relief lay across my shoulders like a heated blanket, and Bruce’s delight prickled my skin in electric jolts. My eyelids burned. I closed them to relieve the sensation. My back bumped against the side of the pool, and I let my knees bend so I could float.
They shot through the other emotions like tiny arrows. My eyelids cracked open, but only for a few seconds. Nothing was wrong. All was right. My job was done, so what would it hurt to take a little rest?
Thin fingers dug into the flesh in my arms, hauling me from the pool. I made a weak attempt to slap at the intruder.
“Zoey, come on, wake up.” Maurice was there, dragging me away from the water and piling towels on my wet skin.
My eyes snapped open. Well, crap. I lay flat on the pavement, still shivering, despite the previous illusion of warmth. Bodily fluids coated my skin, and Maurice had covered me with my good towels.
The closet monster’s big yellow eyes hovered inches from my face. His worry was so intense, it blocked all the warm fuzzy stuff happening behind him. He coaxed me to my feet, fussing at the towels to keep them from sliding off, and leading me into the house.
“Seriously, Zoey. I don’t know how you stayed alive before I got here. If you didn’t drown, hypothermia would’ve had you.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ARC Review:Pooka in my pantry by RL Naquin

The Particulars: Urban Fantasy, Carina Press, available as e-book
The Source:  Review copy, courtesy of the author
The Grade: B-
The Blurb:
Zoey Donovan—empath, wedding planner, go-to girl for monsters with personal problems—has been marked twice for pickup by Death. On both occasions, Riley the smoking-hot reaper has refused to follow through. For his breach of protocol, Riley is now on probation. For her refusal to die on schedule, Zoey’s right to live is challenged. She will have to undergo a life-or-death trial, but she won’t know when or where it will happen…
Staying alive might not be so difficult if the Leprechaun Mafia hadn’t strolled into town. Now every business owner with the slightest connection to the supernatural community is being threatened with the most appalling bad luck if they don’t pay up. Mirrors are smashed, bodies are dropping, and Zoey’s still got clients waiting for fabric samples.

With a little luck, she might be able to save everyone and still have time for a second attempt at a decent first date with her favorite reaper.

The review:
I read and liked the first book in the series, so when I got the chance to read an arc, I took it.

In this book, the author took the world she introduced in Monster in my closet to another layer. I liked how she deftly revealed the existence of both Mafia and the governing system. Both elements made sense, since no society is without crime.

Zoe was her normal cheery, helpful self in this book. I loved reading about her adventures as she faced down the Leprachaun Mafia ( I loved that idea, an refreshing twist) as they caused havoc in the city and adjusted to the fact that she was an Aegis. I also liked how her empathy gift was tied into something that she had no idea existed.

I also liked seeing Zoe taking tentiative steps with her relationship with Riley. Their dates were charming, but not with out their troubles.

The plot was filled with unexpected twists, that took me by surprise. Yet they made sense once they had occurred. The different subplots were interconnected, and helped making Zoe’s life much harder. In fact, a couple of times I wondered if Zoe would survive.

That said, the thing that I missed in this book was a feeling of increased tension, that the scenes were building towards a confrontation with the bad guys.

Guest post: Best Friends Are Like Mushrooms by R.L Naquin

Best Friends Are Like Mushrooms
Most urban fantasy worlds have a built-in requirement that the general population is not allowed to know what’s going on. This rule often leads to all sorts of hiding-it-from-the-best-friend shenanigans.
Will the best friend believe in the ghosts/vampires/werewolves/gremlins if she accidentally finds out? Will she be angry with our heroine for not trusting her enough to tell her about the upcoming zombie apocalypse/escaped souls looking for vengeance/nest of baby aliens in the basement/sea serpent giving birth in the swimming pool? Will she demand our heroine stop sleeping with vamps/running with were-panthers/using her own blood as an offering to the old gods/refusing to share the delicious pastries made by the new closet monster who just moved in?
Being the clueless best friend has to suck. You’re constantly catching the heroine in stupid little lies. The heroine borrows your clothes and keeps returning them with mysterious stains or holes in them. Plans get cancelled all the time, sometimes when you’re already somewhere waiting for the heroine to get there. Sometimes, she stands you up and doesn’t even bother to call.
In the Monster Haven series, this poor, left-out-of-the-loop best friend is Zoey’s business partner, Sara. In the first book, Monster in My Closet, Sara is ignored, lied to, left to do extra work, pushed around, abused, and memory-wiped. Still, Sara’s back for round two in Pooka in My Pantry.
How can Zoey possibly keep Sara in the dark with an invisible, pants-less pooka wreaking havoc in the office, the Leprechaun Mafia leaning on them for protection money, and Zoey’s bad-luck curse causing a car accident in Sara’s own bedroom?
But there are rules. The best friend isn’t supposed to know. Unless she does. But if Sara finds out, will that be the end of the friendship? Sara’s pretty tough, and she runs a tight ship. She probably irons her underwear. The supernatural might not fit very well into her world view.
It might be best if Zoey tried to keep her secret for a little longer.
Or not. You’ll have to read Pooka in My Pantry to find out. And if you haven’t read Monster in My Closet yet, you might want to start there.
And just for fun, tell your best friend you’ve been slaying demons in your spare time and tell us what she said.
Or better yet, you be the clueless one and follow your best friend around in case she’s been hiding a gargoyle in the shed behind her house. Accuse her of not trusting you. Demand answers (be sure to have your hands on your hips and give her the stink-eye). Tell her you’re tired of the lies! Be dramatic and loud.
Then report back to us how it went. It’s for science.
For a free short story set in the Monster Haven world (with a bonus peek at the first chapter of Pooka in My Pantry), visit here: Ill-Conceived Magic 


About the Author:

Rachel’s head is packed with an outrageous amount of useless Disney trivia. She is terrified of thunder, but not of lightning, and tends to recite the Disneyland dedication speech during storms to keep herself calm. She finds it appalling that nobody from Disney has called yet with her castle move-in date.
Originally from Northern California, she has a tendency to move every few years, resulting in a total of seven different states and a six-year stint in England. Currently, she’s planning her next grand adventure. Rachel has one heroic husband, two genius kids, several annoyed cats, and an imaginary dog named Waffles.

She doesn’t have time for a real dog.

Review: A Hint of Frost by Hailey Edwards

The particulars: Fantasy Romance, Samhain Publishing, available as e-book and in print 
The Source: review copy from the author.
The Grade: C
The blurb:

When the head of the Araneidae clan is found poisoned in her nest, her eldest daughter, Lourdes, becomes their clan’s new maven. If her clan is to survive, she has but one choice: she must marry before her nest is seized. All she needs is a warrior fierce enough to protect her city and safeguard her clansmen. Such a male is Rhys the Cold.

Born the youngest son of an impoverished maven, the only things Rhys has to his name are his sword and his mercenary reputation. His clan is starving, but their fondness for the flesh of fellow Araneaeans makes them unwelcome dinner guests. Torn between loyalty to his clan and fascination with his future bride, Rhys’s first taste of Lourdes threatens to melt the cold encasing his heart.

Amid the chaos of battle, Lourdes’s sister disappears and is feared captured. Lourdes and Rhys pursue their enemies into the southlands, where they discover an odd plague ravaging southern clans as it travels north, to Erania. Determined to survive, Lourdes will discover whether she’s worth her silk or if she’s spun the thread by which her clan will hang.

Warning: This book contains one mercenary hero with a biting fetish, one determined heroine who gets nibbled, and an answer to the age-old question, “What does dragon taste like?” Matricide and sibling rivalry are available upon request. The house special is revenge, best served cold.

The Review:

Through a pure coincidence, I requested an review copy of this book, and then shortly after it became a freebie from Samhain :).   I am glad I requested it, though.  

I fell in love  with Erania from the first page.  This world, was detailed and believeable.  From how the locations affected the living of the different clans, to the intricate relationships between the different  clans.  I also liked how the author used traits of different spiders to distinuish the clans, and how that in turn affected the relationships.  

I enjoyed followed the relationship between Rhys and Lourdes.  From the wariness the first time they meet, and how they gradually started to trust and love each other.   I also liked seeing how Lourdes and her clan struggled to adjust to the fact that she was Maven now.  It was also intresting to see how close Lourdes and her siblings were, which showed in so many different ways.

The story was told from Lourdes POV, which meant the reader found out about the events at the same time as Lourdes did. I liked  Lourdes, she had a strength to do what must be done, no matter if she liked it or not.  The plot was well crafted, and I enjoyed Lourdes and Rhys journey. It gave the reader a glimpse into the world.   But also raised the stakes by hinting of more, severe trouble coming in the future. 

While I liked the book, I missed Rhys POV.The were times when his actions baffled me, and I think if the scenes had been from his POV, it would have flowed better. Also, I wondered how he reacted when he found himself married.  


DABWAHA* is starting soon, and the nominations list was just released.   So, nominate your favorite reads TODAY and then fill in your bracket next week.  And then let the fun start 😀

* DABWAHA is the annual book tournament that Smartbitches and Dear Author hosts. 

Type in is done

Today was really productive, I typed in 2000 words.  I also reached the point were the new beginning meets the old middle.  Which means that on monday I switch from type in to revision.  I merge the documents, and print the partial draft out. Read it through, and write a synopsis with the ending.  Or at least that is the plan :P.  And then… I edit, and write the end.  ( I also pray that rewriting the beginning was the right thing to do.  I think it was , I do, but doubt is niggling at me.)

Type in stats #3


Words typed in/ added:

The last 10 days have been slog, slog, slog, but I am happy for the wordcount: 3500 words.  Part of the reason for the slogging is the fact that all of them is  brand new. But I finally reached the point were I can start typing things in again.  Which is nice.

Number of Oops discovered:

None. I have no doubt that will change when I start to edit.

Things I researched:

Belladonna, saunas and the use of vinegar.

Favorite lines:

I stared at the cairn.  The cairns were sacred to trolls, and was places to commune with ancestors. I knew that if I even mentioned the dismantling it,  I would be chased out from Korun by a lynch mob.


WWW Wednesday March 6

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions… 
 • What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?
Ondskans hus by Heather Graham.
This is the first book in her Hunters of Krewe series. I have wanted to read this for awhile, so when a Swedish bookstore offered a 50% off coupon on Harlequin titles, I decided to by it. So far I like it, even if I don’t love it.

What did you recently finish reading?
Night blade by JC Daniels.
Oh my god. It was really good, in a heart wrenching way. If you like Urban Fantasy, I highly recommend this series. But read Blade song first!
Haunted Moon by Yasmine Galenorn:
I think I am getting series fatigue. The books are good, but it feels like the story arc is dragged out.

What do you think you’ll read next?
I am dithering between reading Ketheril by John H Carroll, or re-reading the first two books in the trilogy.

Anticipated March releases

Anticipated March releases:
There is a lot of books I look forward to this month, so I have divided the list into genres.
Paranormal Romance:
Wild Invitations by Nalini Singh:
 In Beat of Temptation, innocent Tamsyn has always had a place in her heart for Nathan, a blooded DarkRiver sentinel. But is she ready for the fierce demands of the mating bond?

In Stroke of Enticement, a wary young teacher, skeptical about love, arouses the man—and the animal—in an aggressive leopard changeling who must prove his affections are true.


In Declaration of Courtship, Grace, a shy submissive wolf, finds herself pursued by the last man she ever would have imagined: a SnowDancer lieutenant said to be “mad, bad, and dangerous to know.”

In Texture of Intimacy, SnowDancer healer Lara discovers the searing joys—and unexpected challenges—of being mated to quiet, powerful Walker, a man used to keeping his silence

 I love, love Nalini Singh’s Psy Changeling novels and I am really looking forward to this anthology, especially Tamsyn’s and Nate’s story :).

 Zoey Donovan—empath, wedding planner, go-to girl for monsters with personal problems—has been marked twice for pickup by Death. On both occasions, Riley the smoking-hot reaper has refused to follow through. For his breach of protocol, Riley is now on probation. For her refusal to die on schedule, Zoey’s right to live is challenged. She will have to undergo a life-or-death trial, but she won’t know when or where it will happen…

Staying alive might not be so difficult if the Leprechaun Mafia hadn’t strolled into town. Now every business owner with the slightest connection to the supernatural community is being threatened with the most appalling bad luck if they don’t pay up. Mirrors are smashed, bodies are dropping, and Zoey’s still got clients waiting for fabric samples.

With a little luck, she might be able to save everyone and still have time for a second attempt at a decent first date with her favorite reape

Confession: I have already read this, and I loved it. It was funny, and witty.
Urban Fantasy:
Frostburned by Patricia Briggs:
 Mercy Thompson’s life has undergone a seismic change. Becoming the mate of Adam Hauptman—the charismatic Alpha of the local werewolf pack—has made her a stepmother to his daughter Jesse, a relationship that brings moments of blissful normalcy to Mercy’s life. But on the edges of humanity, what passes for a minor mishap on an ordinary day can turn into so much more…

After an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy and Jesse can’t reach Adam—or anyone else in the pack for that matter. They’ve all been abducted.

Through their mating bond, all Mercy knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. With the werewolves fighting a political battle to gain acceptance from the public, Mercy fears Adam’s disappearance may be related—and that he and the pack are in serious danger. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from any ally she can get, no matter how unlikely

I have been looking forward to this book since I finished Fair Game last year. 
Night blade by J C Daniels:
Kit Colbana is always biting off more than she can chew. She has a knack for finding trouble. This time, though, trouble finds her. Someone from her past drops a case into her lap that she just can’t refuse…literally.

People on the Council are dying left and right and she’s been requested to investigate the deaths. The number one suspect? Her lover, Damon. If she doesn’t clear his name, he gets a death sentence. Even if she succeeds? They still might try to execute him. Oh, and she’s not allowed to tell him about the case, either.

The stakes are high this time around, higher than they’ve ever been. Kit may be forced to pay the ultimate price to save her lover’s life…a price that could destroy her and everything she loves

I loved the first book, so I pre-ordered this one. And I really look forward to reading it.
Contemporary Romance:

It hasn’t been easy for Joe Harris to live down his not-so-honorable past, but the military made him a better man. He’s determined to make up for past mistakes, starting with coming home to care for his ailing father.

Things are going as planned until his best friend’s little sister comes barreling into his life. Funny, quick talking, smart, beautiful, she’s a temptation he tries—and fails—to resist.

When Beth Murphy hears Joe is back in town, she makes sure she’s the first on his welcoming committee. Though he tries to pretend he’s gruff and unworthy of her, she sees the man who spoils his dog, who touches her like she’s precious. Cherished. But there’s one wall she can’t break down—the truth about what’s happening at home.

On the night the nature of his father’s illness becomes painfully, publicly apparent, Joe does the right thing—push Beth as far away as possible. But if he thought she’d go away quietly, he’s about to learn she’s made of sterner stuff

I love Petal, Georgia. I have been waiting for this book since I finished the last book.

Romantic Suspense:
 LIFELINE: an elite search-and-rescue squad based out of Banff, Alberta. Specializing in high-risk rescue missions, this team goes wherever the job takes them…
Rebecca James was once revered for her devil-may-care attitude and backcountry survival skills. But ever since she lost her partner in a fatal accident, patches of her memory have been missing. And until she can recall those final, tragic moments before the accident, she can’t move on.

Since Marcus Landers was permanently injured during a mission, all his energies have been focused on his Lifeline team. When Becki—whom he had an intense affair with seven years ago—arrives in Banff, he’s inspired to reignite the spark they once had. Their mutual ardor slowly awakens Becki’s dormant, haunting memories.

New truths surface until Becki must at last confront her greatest fear. Remembering the past might mean a future without the man she loves

It is Vivian Arend! Do I need to say more?
Cards and Caravans by Cindy Spencer Pape:
 Belinda Danvers isn’t a witch. But that won’t stop them burning her at the stake…

Connor McKay can tell at a glance that Belinda’s magickal powers are minimal at best. She can’t be guilty of murdering village children. There’s something suspicious about her arrest and lightning-quick sentence. Unfortunately, telling anyone how he knows would mean revealing his own powers. He’s been sent by the Order of the Round Table to help and he can’t just let her die.

Escaping from jail and running from vindictive villagers in her grandfather’s steam-powered caravan is more excitement than Belinda’s had in years. And despite the danger—or maybe because of it—she loves the time spent with her sexy rescuer. But there’s more to his magick than he’s letting on…

There’s something going on that’s bigger than the two of them. It’s time for good to make a stand


The last book disappointed me, but I read a sample and I liked it. Plus, it is 2.99, which means I can use my reward dollars at Books on Board.
Erotic Romance:
Beyond Control by Kit Rocha:
 She refuses to be owned.

Alexa Parrino escaped a life of servitude and survived danger on the streets to become one of the most trusted, influential people in Sector Four, where the O’Kanes rule with a hedonistic but iron fist. Lex has been at the top for years, and there’s almost nothing she wouldn’t do for the gang…and for its leader. Lie, steal, kill—but she bows to no one, not even Dallas O’Kane.

He’ll settle for nothing less.

Dallas fought long and hard to carve a slice of order out of the chaos of the sectors. Dangers both large and small threaten his people, but it’s nothing he can’t handle. His liquor business is flourishing, and new opportunities fuel his ambition. Lex could help him expand his empire, something he wants almost as much as he wants her. And no one says no to the king of Sector Four.

Falling into bed is easy, but their sexual games are anything but casual. Attraction quickly turns to obsession, and their careful dance of heady dominance and sweet submission uncovers a need so deep, so strong, it could crush them both

I loved Beyond Shame. I think I have re-read it three times since Oct, so I am tempted to request an ARC of this, but I haven’t made up my mind yet.

ARC Review: The Second Chance Cafe by Alison Kent

The Particulars: Contemporary Romance, Amazon Montlake, available in print and e-book
The Source: ARC from Netgalley
The Grade: B-
The Blurb:
Growing up, Kaylie Flynn was shuffled from foster home to foster home before being welcomed into Winton and May Wise’s family. It was May who taught Kaylie the comfort of home, and the healing power of baking the perfect brownie. Years later, May leaves Kaylie the money she needs to open her own cafe in the charming Victorian they once shared. Now back in Hope Springs, Kaylie’s determined to finally make all her dreams a reality—and unearth answers to lingering questions about her past.

Soon, however, Kaylie’s carefully laid plans take an unexpected turn. The house needs far more work than she realized, and Tennessee Keller, the carpenter Kaylie hires, is proving to be a very handsome and very unneeded distraction from her quest to uncover the truth about her parents. When a crisis threatens to destroy everything she’s worked so hard to build, Kaylie must decide where her heart lies: with the ghosts of her past or the love and promise of her future.

The Review:
I read Alison Kent’s Love in Bloom a while ago, and loved it. So when I read about this one on her blog, I knew I had to read it. And, I got to read it early, since I received a galley through Netgalley.
Am I glad I read it? Oh yes.
The setting of Hope Springs felt believable. It was small, closeknit and the citizens supported each other. But, I also liked the fact there were secrets. One of the thing that annoys me the most in contemporary romance novels is when everyone know everything about everybody, which is unrealistic.
This was a heartwarming story, about healing past scars. All the characters had scars and secrets. It was touching to watch how Ten and Kaylie struggled with their scars, and how it affected them. But gradually, they started to tell each other about what had happened in the past, to each other and to their friends. I liked the secondary characters. They had their secrets, and had made their mistakes. What I especially liked, was how their secrets affected the plot.
The plot was filled with unexpected twists. The transformation of the Wise/Coleman’s house into a cafe felt believable. From how Kaylie listen to Ten’s suggestion to how they discovered problems that delayed them.
I liked the fact that a lot of the plot twists stemmed from the secrets the characters had. But I also liked the fact that they struggled with their decisions, and knew they would have consequences.
That said, one thing I missed in this book was that their HEA never felt threatened. It is possible that it was affected by the fact that I read this on my phone, since I tend to skim more on my phone.