So. For the last two-three months, I have been searching for my copy of Heart Search by Robin D Owens. I know that I purchased it when it was released, but I just cannot find it. When I started to ransack my brain, I got a sinking feeling that I forgot it somewere. And not anywere close. The best case scenario is that I forgot it in Gothenburg ( since then I might get it back). The worst case scenario is that I forgot it in Turkey. Anyway. Last week I succumbed, and purchased an e-book copy.

Abandoned at fifteen, Camellia Darjeeling values her independence above all-even as her father and uncle emotionally scourge her and extort money. For Camellia, trusting men, even her HeartMate, is too risky.
When Laev and Camellia meet, they refuse to acknowledge that they are true HeartMates. But their destiny cannot be avoided…