Before I published the Cauldron Bound, I pondered if the wisest move was to have subseries or just one big series for all the books. In the end, I decided to have one big series for all the books.
During the last year, I have realised that I have so many plans, so many ideas that having one series will just confuse readers. So. Instead I am going to divide the Portal Universe into three series.
The Dhurian clans:
Basically The Cauldron Bound, and any other story set in the Dhurian bronze age.
Walking in the Shadows:
Originally, the plan was for Walking in the Shadows was for it to be a collection of short stories. That changed when Vanished decided to become a novella. So I decided to make it a series about Jenny’s early years. The first book will be Exile, the second Vanished, the third is either the second half of Vanished or another story. The release dates is to be decided, but the goal is to release Vanished this year.
The Portal Justicars:
The Portal Justicars focus on the cases of the Portal Justicars. It begins with Daughter of the Dark, and will probably be 5 books long.
In other words: I will be busy the next couple of years.