Current Non-fiction wishlist

Since I am going to write a lot of Swedish based fantasy, I am planning to stock up on the upcoming book sale, along with re-reading books I already have.  Anyway, here are the current list of books that I am planning on buying. All of them are related to Swedish medieval history. The audiobook is about Vikings, though. Total cost: 40 dollar. Not too bad, since I have a gift card that will cover at least half of it. I am especially happy for Medeltida Borgar, it has been on my wishlist for ages. :D.

First, the history books:

medeltida-borgar-maktens-hus-i-norden sveriges-historia-1350-1600 sveriges-historia-600-1350








The biographies:

These two give a glimpse into the life of a king, and an advisor of the king. I also have one about said King’s female relatives that I am planning to re-read.


