Promos and taglines

I have been thinking about promo lately. Or more correctly, my brain decided to throw out one for Daughter of the Dark yesterday, which… I loved. It is short, and teasery without being spoilery. I am planning on using it for promo, mainly on Twitter.

The plan is to either create promo graphics or pay my cover designer to do them. Or both.

Before I start doing promo I need to overhaul the blurb. sigh. And probably proofread the book, since I am pretty sure there are spots were I used 5 words when 1 would do.

The reason for this? Vanished. I am excited to launch it, probably with a pre-order. But… I want Daughter of the Dark and Exile to be the best they can be, so that I can say “Hey. Read the other two books about this character!” Without worrying about the quality. (I did the best I could when releasing them, but I have grown as a writer since.)

Anyway, I am off to eat dinner, before trying to edit some more.

Sneak peek: Vanished

Since I am editing Vanished right now, I thought I would offer you an tiny excerpt of how the book begins. While there will be some changes, they will probably be minor. And yes, the book has a 2020 release date, though I haven’t decided exactly when, or if I am doing a pre-order or not..

A knock echoed in the small cottage. With a sigh, I stopped putting away the groceries, and took a step toward the door.
“Finish stowing away the groceries. I’ll see who it is, Jenny,” Arwel said, dropping the leather pouch he was darning.
Curiousity nagged at me as I filled the larder. I kept glancing toward the door. Questions bubbling inside me.
Normally, Arwel would have invited the visitor inside. Not this time, now he spoke in a quiet voice with visitor, standing in the doorway, blocking any chance I had of identifying the person at the door.
Once done, Arwel closed the door, the sound echoing in the silent room.
He had a tired, closed off looked on the face. The same look he had for the last few weeks.

Cover reveal: The Shifter’s Justice

So I have been sitting on this for a couple of months, I think,  and originally I planned planned to reveal it in my newsletter, but I have a fever and I want to share it with others. 🙂   Just like Daughter of the Dark’s new cover it was designed by Daqri at Covers by Combs.

The book should be out later this year. I am halfway through the revisions, roughly. I am aiming to be done in August.( Originally it was July, but then June happend.)