River Marked by Patricia Briggs
( I am a bit annoyed, I ordered it from Bookdepository 15th february. It hasn’t arrived yet. Spare me from re-organizations to increase effeciency! If it doesn’t show up soon, I might have to get it as e-book…)
Wilder’s Mate by Moira Rogers
( For a moment, I thought it was released this week. But no. It is next week)
Hidden Away by Maya Banks
( I love, love Maya Banks.)
After Hours: Tales from the Ur-bar, edited by Joshua Palmatier and Patricia Bray.
( I need my D.B Jackson fix. And LA Gilman fix. And… well, there is a bunch of good authors in it!)
Echoes of the Dark by Robin D Owens
( As soon as I get it from the library!)
Of course, that will last me 5 days or so. Don’t worry. I have plenty of other books to read 🙂
So, what do you plan to read next?