When Chrysoula idly said ” One for Catie, a One for.. who?” in the war room, I leaped on the chance to read an ARC. And I am glad I did.
This book mostly took place in the Senyaza version of Seattle, except not. It was fascinating to get to explore other aspects of the Senyaza universe, and to realise that not even Demons and Angels are perfect, that they can make mistake.
I really liked AT. She was scarred after having grown up in her Father’s less than tender care. It was touching to see how she wanted to have friends, yet she didn’t dare to. Yejan and Brynn both had secrets. Their secrets was gradually revealed during the book. I loved how the secrets affected the book. . And then there was Amber… who was more than a bit creepy. I also liked how their relationships changed through book, and how they represented different aspects of the Senyaza universe.
Together with the help of Yejan’s friends Cat and Jen, this slightly motley crew searched for the Horn of the Wild Hunt.The plot was well crafted, and filled with unexpected twists that made sense when they happened. I kept reading, wanting to know what happened next, if they would find the Horn, if AT’s life would be better at the end,
When I reached the end, I was slightly disappointed. Not because of the book was bad, far from it, , but because I wanted to read more about the adventures of AT, Yejan, Brynn, Amber, Cat and Jen. In fact, I’ll be extremely disappointed if this is the only book about them, because I loved the theme about wanting to be normal, and the lengths you go to fit in.
If you don’t buy this book, I will be very disappointed because you definitely should. In fact, you can go and support the kickstarter that launched yesterday!