Slog, slog

I haven’t had any days were the words flowed this week, but the slow and steady has netted me 22 pages so far, or roughly 2000 words.  I have a bit mixed feelings about the draft.  The quality of the draft is… low.  Which can be fixed later, I know.  The fact that I am aware of the fact that the draft is bad is another difference between writing in English and Swedish.   But, I am also more aware of other things.  Like foreshadowing. I am doing a lot of  foreshadowing right now,  which makes me happy :).

I should reach the point were this version of the beginning joins the old version some time this weekend. Then  I start the type in :).  And when the type in is done I get to print out the whole thing, read  it through, mark up the pages, do a synopsis and… write the end. 😮


Monday News: Macmillan settles with DOJ

Amazon get patent to sell used e-books and other digital content

This piece of news broke on Thursday… and Twitter went wild. I honestly don’t think Amazon will use this patent, since it would cost them too much.   Why? Because Amazon is first and foremost a content provider, and I strongly suspect that if they launched a service selling used e-books, the publishers would  sever their contracts with Amazon.  

Macmillan settles with DOJ 

I wasn’t surprised when Macmillan decided to settle, but the terms is a bit different.   The most important one for readers? Retailers can discount their books even if the contracts hasn’t been re-negiotated. Which means Macmillan books are non-agency from Today ( or maybe tomorrow, depends on how fast the retailers are). 😀

Bookish launched 

Bookish is Hachette, Simon and Schusters and Penguin’s book recommendation site/e-book store. And… I’ll stay as far away from it as I can. Why? Because the content of their ToC creeps  me out  .

Weekend ramblings

This weekend was surprisingly busy, but in a good way.  First, I went to a play with  Mum,Dad, my sister and her boyfriend, my brother, aunt and one of my cousins. I am not sure it was the best version of The Ghost Sonata by August Strindberg, since it was shortened and modern. But I liked it, it was an intresting play. Afterwards we went to a Thai restuarant and ate.

Then on Saturday, I went out to an local Italian restaurant. Which was nice, and a bit unplanned on my part.

In between, I drew maps and researched Swedish medieval towns for my WIP.  While looking at pictures of the model of Stockholm that the Medieval Museum has, I realised it would be much more effective if I simply visited the museum.  So on either Wednesday or Friday, I’ll do that. ( They have guided tours of the permanent exhibition then.)





Reflections on UK vs US urban fantasy

I finished reading Fated by Benedict Jacka yesterday. Which is a book that I enjoyed a lot*, but as I wrote up my review, I started to think about the differences between the UK set Urban Fantasy and US Urban Fantasy.  Or rather the difference.

I haven’t read that many UK set urban fantasy novels but one thing that struck me in both cases was the lack of romance.  Both novels was fast paced, with interesting character and an intriguing  mystery to solve, but there was no attempt to matchmake between the characters.  And I hadn’t realised how much I had come to assume that was a natural part of the sub genre.  Most of the Urban Fantasy I read are written by US authors, and  in a majority of them the romance is a part, it might be small part, it might be a big part, but it is there.

This is a sign of the influence that Paranormal Romance has had on US Urban Fantasy, which I find intresting.  I know that Paranormal Romance is growing more popular in the UK, which makes me wonder if UK urban fantasy will be influenced as well.

* now I want to read more. LOL! Good thing the sequel will be out in Swedish Feb 15th :).

Writing update

Look! Two blogposts this week 🙂


The draft is slowly progressing.  Right now I am foreshadowing later events.  Some of it I am aware of, like the fact that she is tracking down something that just doesn’t fit. But other things, I have no idea what I am foreshadowing, just the feeling that it is important.    Which is a bit frustrating, but I trust my subconscious to work it out.   ( Or maybe, it is the germ of another story… hm. )

Also, I have been wondering exactly how long the next beginning will be. I am already 6000ish words into the draft, and considering I originally thought the new beginning would be 10 000 words… I think it will be at least 15 000 words long, if not longer.


WWW Wednesday Feb 6

( Crossposted from my other blog)
The meme comes from shouldbereading. To enter, just answer the following questions: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? and What are you planning to read next?
Currently reading:
When Demons Walk by Patricia Briggs.  I decided to read it since it is one of my favorite books, and it has been awhile since I read it.  It is fantasy with a dash of romance and a big dose of mystery.   ( It was re-issued with a new cover awhile ago, but  I have the old version)
What did you recently finish reading:
I went on an erotic romance binge, and read Leah Brooke’s Desire Ok novels. They aren’t that well written, but I cannot help reading them. ( Actually, I feel a bit sad for her since I feel she has promise, but I don’t have high thoughts about her publisher.)
Planning on reading next:
No idea. Probably whatever book that is picked in Di Francis bookclub.

WWW Wednesdays Feb 6

The meme comes from shouldbereading. To enter, just answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? and What are you planning to read next?

Currently reading:

When Demons Walk by Patricia Briggs.  I decided to read it since it is one of my favorite books, and it has been awhile since I read it.  It is fantasy with a dash of romance and a big dose of mystery.   ( It was re-issued with a new cover awhile ago, but  I have the old version)

What did you recently finish reading:

I went on an erotic romance binge, and read Leah Brooke’s Desire Ok novels. They aren’t that well written, but I cannot help reading them. ( Actually, I feel a bit sad for her since I feel she has promise, but I don’t have high thoughts about her publisher.)

Planning on reading next:

No idea. Probably whatever book that is picked in Di Francis bookclub.

Embarrassment of Riches: January roundup

Well… I might have been a bit optimistic when I said I’d easily each the 50 books goal.  While I did read A LOT this month, a lot of it was newish books. But. I did read some books that qualify for the challenge :).

And those was:
Hidden by Blood by Laurie London
Dark Awakening by Patti O’Shea
Heart of the Wolf by Terri Spear
 Never have I ever by Alisha Rai
The Groom wore plaid by Grace Burrowes
Wyatt: Return of the Cowboy by Cathy McDavid

And, as you can see most of them are novellas or short stories, which I am not sure really counts… hm.. Oh well. I’ll make an exception this month. 

On my Wishlist: Paranormal Romance

A blue moon rises, bringing with it magic and danger to a sleeping Denver.

Brandy Svensson mourns her lost soldier fiancee and struggles to move on. Her own near-death experience has brought her an odd “gift” – she has a telepathic connection with cats. She’s coping with life’s changes until the night she finds a lost jaguar cub, just the start of the greatest changes of all…

Dak, a warrior Pantherman, is alarmed when his baby nephew, the Chief of the klatch, vanishes. Dak must find the infant before his enemies do…or be branded a murderer and risk igniting warfare among the clans.

When the cub turns into a human baby, shock and confusion flood Brandy. And when a full-grown jaguar arrives to claim him, then transforms into a man, fascination sweeps through her. Dak’s protective instincts are triggered by this lovely woman, and the certainty that he’s followed by a killer.

Drawn together in their fight to protect the baby, Brandy and Dak confront the enemy and the final choice threatens. Will the feral magic they’ve discovered together save or doom them?

This is Robin D Owens new Novella, and she is torturing me with the snippets on her blog . I really, really want to read it but it is not available at Kobo yet. ( I refuse to pay Amazon’s whispernet fees and BN wont sell it to me since I am not in the US)

The Gray Court, Book 3

Akane Russo, one of the Hob’s top Blades, can’t wait for her current assignment to end. She’s been tasked with protecting Shane Dunne from the Malmayne clan’s scheme to kidnap him once again. But no one—not even her Seer half—warned her she’d have to protect herself from his heated gaze. Or that her dragon half would find him an irresistible puzzle.

Shane knew his destined bride would never come to him willingly, but she’s stuck with him and he plans to use her predicament to his advantage. It’s only a matter of time before she succumbs to what they both want. Their Claiming will be beautiful beyond even his wildest imaginings—and his wild, free dragoness will finally see herself as he sees her.

Then his unique, hybrid-borne visions reveal a new danger. The prophecy of the Child of Dunne can only be fulfilled down a path he must travel alone. To a place so dark and dangerous that even his truebond’s flame may not be bright enough to lead him home.

Warning: Contains explicit sex, graphic language, a pissed-off dragon assassin and a smart-mouthed Nebraskan farm boy. Bet you can figure out who wins that fight! (Hint: It’s not the dragon…)

I loved book One, Dare to believe, felt (gasp) lukewarm to Noble Blood, the second book, but I still intend to buy this one, since I like Akane and Shane :). 

The life of Lark Jaansen, hunter in Clan Gennessee, has been shaped by violence and unrest—and it defines her future. Well-trained and resilient, she’s met her militaristic match in Simon Leviathan, a warrior not of this world. Locked in mutual admiration, and a desire so hot it burns, Lark and Simon have something else in common: they love the dark, and as a shadow is cast over their world, they’re each coming into their own.
A mysterious war has been waged among the Others. As witches and humans turn against each other, as faes retreat in fear, and as vampires rise, Lark and Simon discover that an unseen force is behind it. A single, hungry entity older than recorded history has returned to gorge on the magick of his victims. He is the Magister, nothing less than the end of time. Finding him is Lark and Simon’s first hope. Surviving him is their last.

I read book one, Heart of Darkness, last week and liked it enough that I want to read the next book. 

Click the covers to buy them at Amazon.