I owned this, read it, enjoyed it… and traded it in ( I think). This was when I was young and stupid, and believed that books were constantly in print. ( Yeah. Not so much) So I am planning on buying an digital copy soon.
A former priest, having left his temple and much else behind, is caught in a web of dark magic when he finds the body of a young woman who has been ritually slain.
This is a free serial right now. I have read a couple of chapters, and it is good enough that I am putting it on the wishlist
The kingdom of Everran is dying, razed by a dragon that came out of nowhere to burn its oil groves and devastate its vineyards and kill its folk. Legend says, a dragon’s coming always has a cause. Why has the dragon come? What does the dragon know? One man knows the riddle’s answer. No man knows that answer’s cost.
I have almost bought this one for a long time, and this year I will buy it.
This blurb is intriguing, and makes me curious enough to want to buy it 🙂