I originally wrote another post, but I deleted it since it was whiny. So you get this instead. Entirely random.
1, Write. ( Yes, I have decided to lug my laptop to my brother’s place.)
2. Read ( I have an overflowing TBR list and my autobuy authors keep on writing new books. Which is good.)
3. Make fudge ( Several times. Or maybe just one big batch.)
4. Eat fudge ( probably a bit obvious)
5. Visit Christmas Fairs. ( Skansen! Old Town! Eksjö!)
6. Eat a lot of food.
7. Spend time with my family
8. Go for walks.
9. Write Christmas rhymes. (I hate doing that,but it is tradition.)
10. Surprise myself with something. 🙂
That is what I am planning to do this Christmas. What are your plans?