This was prompted by Paul Weimer’s guest post at Pornokitsch about US National Parks. 🙂
There are 29 Swedish National Parks. So far, I have been to 4 of them. But I want to go to so many more.. Here are the current top 5, listed in decreasing likelihood of an actual visit. LOL! .
Gotska Sandön:
This is a largeish island located North of Gotland. It is surrounded by the Baltic Sea on all sides. The soil is sandy, the island is flat yet it is very beautiful. I have wanted to go there for years, but I haven’t gotten around to. Yet.

This is also an island, with a lot of meadows and fields. And a lot of flowers. When it was formed in 1909, it was because of its many flowers. Sadly, the government believed in wild nature, so they let it grow with out keeping up the traditional farming that was the reason for the diversity in flowers. They realised their mistake, and now it is maintained the old way. It is actually closeish from Stockholm, with ferries leaving regularly. It is a great day trip if you visit Stockholm.

Abisko is located in Northern Sweden. It has breath taking nature, with a lot of mountains, forests, and canyon. And it is one of the northern National parks that has the best communications. It is just 3 hours from Arlanda, and the train stops just outside the hostel. It is more pure laziness that I haven’t visited it yet. Also, you are supposed to hike. And I’m not a hiking person. 🙂 But I have a feeling that if I mentioned that I would like to go to certain relatives, they would encourage me.

This is an ancient forest located in Central Sweden, 2-3 hours away with car from Stockholm. It is rugged, and wild. One of the few wild places that are left in this part of Sweden. Unlike Abisko, a car is necessary since there is no buses. Or at least that’s the impression I get from the webpage.

I think I was 16 when I read a book about Sarek. And ever since I have wanted to go see its breath taking views. Sadly, I am not a hiking person, and that’s why you visit Sarek. But I still long for it. 🙂
I honestly think the only way I will see the Northern parts of Sweden is by booking a trip on Inlandsbanan. Which is also on the to do list, along with Hurtigrutten. 🙂
If you want to read more about Swedish National Parks, you can visit